The 6th Steering Committee Meeting of the Technical Assistance for Assessment of Türkiye's Potential on Transition to Circular Economy (DEEP Project), which left its second year behind, was held on 28 February 2024.
The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change with the participation of representatives of the following institutions and organisations and consortium members:
The meeting was opened by Demet Erdoğan, Deputy Head of Circular Economy and Waste Management Departmen behalf of Sabriye Ayhan, Head of Circular Economy and Waste Management Department.
During the meeting, Nurnisa Elçin, Contract Manager, Nurnisa Elçin, Contract Administrator, presented the views of the Contracting Authority on the progress of the Project.
National Circular Economy Policies Branch Manager Salih Eminoğlu stated that the process of receiving feedback from relevant organisations on the Circular Economy Strategy and Action Plan continues. Eminoğlu presented the major outcomes and state of play as for the development of the Circular economy action plan.
DEEP Project Team Leader Mihail Dimovski emphasised that the national circular economy roadmap continues to be prepared for Türkiye and presented a detailed activity report on the components of the Project. Dimovski provided overview of all the activities and outputs achieved in the reporting period as well as the amended calendar of planned activities in the next reporting period. The meeting ended with the views of the participants.